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Where your pets feel at home

Top Three Most Common Cat Diseases

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Cats are innately docile and peaceful creatures. These traits make it extremely difficult to detect the early signs and symptoms of disease and illness. Fur parents are left with the daunting task of identifying pain and discomfort in their feline babies on a regular basis.

The sad truth is that giving your cats a balanced and healthy diet, regular exercise, and endless hours of sleep may not be enough to stop some diseases. It is necessary for fur parents to be extra vigilant to ensure that their cats remain healthy and happy for many years to come.

Here are the top three common cat diseases that fur parents need to be made aware of. Prevention, early detection, and early treatment will extend the life of your beloved cat.


  • Conjunctivitis in Cats


This contagious cat disease is prevalent among kittens due to their weak immune system. This disease is characterised by inflammation of the eyelids. The symptoms of this disease include redness and swelling of the conjunctiva membranes. The conjunctiva will appear pink and crusty during an infection.

As this is one of the most contagious cat diseases, the most effective preventive measure is to protect your cats by avoiding contact with infected animals. Treatment and management of conjunctivitis include the administration of prescribed medication to alleviate inflammation and other symptoms. Some of the most common causes of conjunctivitis can also be vaccinated against.


  • Renal Failure


Renal failure or renal disease not only affects elderly cats, but kittens born with weak kidneys too. The most common causes of renal disease in cats are infections, trauma, shock, and urinary blockages. The ingestion of poisonous substances may also lead to serious acute renal failure.

When detected early, the prognosis of cats suffering from renal disease is good.

One of the most common symptoms of renal failure is an increase in thirst and subsequent increase in urination.

Ageing cats need more frequent visits to the vet to ensure their kidneys are in good condition. Make sure they undergo annual blood work for early detection not only of renal failure but other serious conditions such a diabetes and hyperthyroidism.


  • Obesity


Obesity does not only affect human beings. It can also seriously affect the health of your cat. It is a common problem, which is why it makes it to this list of the top three cat health diseases. Problems such as joint diseases and diabetes are associated with obesity, and these things can occur if you do not keep your pet lean, in shape, and healthy. You should design a healthy and nutritious meal plan as well as a proper exercise plan for your cat. Speak to us on 3353 6999 if you require any assistance with calculating the correct amount of food and caloric intake for your cat.


Other diseases that plague cats are Feline Panleukopenia, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, and diabetes in cats.

To learn more about keeping your cats safe from disease, check out our helpful articles here. If you need elegant and luxurious boarding services for your beloved feline or to schedule an appointment with our skilled and compassionate vets, call us on 07 3353 6999.


Image of a Yellow beautiful fluffy cat sitting on the road from the gray asphalt