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Where your pets feel at home

Where your pets feel at home

Dr Rob’s Ramblings: The Pleasure of Pets!

cat_love at mcdowall vetAs I was lying sick in bed this week with the “man flu” trying to sleep, our cat “Mocha” came and gave me a huge amount of attention! Firstly she pushed her face up against mine and started purring until I stroked her and then she continued to nudge up against me and purr gently, nudging my hand whenever I stopped. Her cold nose reminded me to keep going whenever I hesitated. Soon I started to feel slightly better and my spirits lifted as I spent some quality time with my cat. She then cuddled up next to me and kept me company while I recovered. I couldn’t help but marvel at how lucky we are have to have such loving creatures in our lives who endlessly show us all the best human attributes and none of the worst.
*Empathy                                            *Compassion
*Love                                                   *Adoration
*Loyalty                                              *Sympathy
*Companionship                                *Joy
*Exuberance                                      *Sense of Humour
*Protection                                        * Patience

pets mcdowall vets

We would love to see pictures and hear stories of your pets best displaying these wonderful attributes. Please upload your picture or story  to our facebook page The ones getting the most likes will be short – listed to be awarded our inaugural annual McDowall Vets Medal Of Gratitude! ” The Mogie”