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Where your pets feel at home

Where your pets feel at home

Why Pets Are Great For Our Health

Here at McDowall Vet Practice, our pets certainly are our best friends. After a long day, coming home to our pets can put a smile on our faces and fill our hearts with joy. There really is nothing that compares to your dog waiting for you at the door, tail wagging. Or your cat, purring in your ear as you pick them up for a welcome home cuddle. Whether you’re at your best or feeling your absolute worse, pets will always be by your side.

In addition to companionship, pets can also provide owners with many health benefits, physically and psychologically.

Did you know that the simple act of petting an animal has been shown to lower your blood pressure and increase serotonin and dopamine; nerve transmitters which are known to have pleasurable and calming properties? It also reduces the stress hormone, Cortisol! Not that we ever need an excuse to pat our fur babies, but if you did – this is it!

Owning a pet, especially a dog, can be a great reason to get out and exercise. (Puppy eyes are a real thing and you will get them if your dog hasn’t been taken for a walk!) Walking is a great benefit to owning a dog; studies have shown that dog owners are much more likely to get their daily recommended steps done in comparison to people who do not own dogs. It’s also just a wonderful excuse to get out of the house and interact with other pet owners. Heading to the dog park or a dog friendly café is a great way to meet new people with your pooch. Pets provide great means for improving your socialisation skills and connect with like-minded people!

Pets help to prevent loneliness and isolation, which in turn helps to avoid cognitive decline and disease. Research has shown that elderly pet owners visit the doctors 30% less than those who do not have pets! Studies have also shown that owning a pet can increase longevity in life and even help people heal faster after surgeries.

As pet owners ourselves, we know that owning pets always reminds us to live in the moment, just as they do. Humans are always looking back at the past and worrying about the future. Next time you are walking your dog or sitting in the sun with your cat, remember to look around and appreciate the beauty of the moment you are in.