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Where your pets feel at home

Where your pets feel at home

Gone Fishing!

Meet  Rowdy, a rambunctious one year old Boxer who went fishing recently with his Dad. The afternoon was going really well, until Rowdy decided that the large piece of chicken being used as bait was far too tempting to ignore. After a long cast, he dived into the water and “fetched” the chicken, only to swallow it in one gulp! Rowdy was presented to us with the trace still dangling from his mouth and he was looking very proud of his retrieving effort!

We anaesthetised Rowdy and followed the trace all the way down his oesophagus. X rays showed the hook neatly sitting in his stomach. Thankfully, after having an endoscope passed down his oesophagus, the hook was retrieved and Rowdy recovered none the worse for wear.

Rowdy is looking forward to his next fishing trip and promises to focus on chasing birds instead!fishing dog fishing dog fishing dog