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Where your pets feel at home

Where your pets feel at home

My Pets Complete Me!

Hi my name is Leigh-Anne and I have been asked to write a blog and explain how our pets complete us. When asked to do this, my initial thought was “how do I write a blog?” Because I am 60 years old and blogs were not around during my school years! Then I saw the subject, and I live an amazing life every day because of my pets, so here goes.

Now I am sure we have all made mistakes, I mean let’s face it no one is perfect. It could be a small mistake or a massive, want to lock myself away for a week mistake, where you feel you cannot show your face. (Slight exaggeration, but you get what I mean)
Back to the mistake, think about when you arrived home and your furry friend saw you and there was no judgement, just so much happiness that you had come home.

So what do our pets mean to us? Dogs, cats, hamsters, rats, birds, goldfish, it doesn’t matter. What they are, is part of the family.
They love us unconditionally, it doesn’t matter what happens. Dogs love going for walks, sitting in the park or watching us while we have that well deserved cup of coffee.
They stand by us when our hearts are broken and they comfort us when we lose loved ones. They do all this because they just know what we need when we need it. They stick with us through thick and thin, with their unwavering love and support. They see us at our worst and best and they are always there when we need a friendly and understanding soul to pour our heart out to. (No questions asked)

I think part of the reason we love our pets so much is that each and every one is unique, in their own special way. They remind us that it is ok to be different, in a world where the pressure is on to be like everyone else, by buying the same clothes and keeping up with the latest technologies. They don’t care if you have the latest iPhone or what car you drive.
Dogs don’t care what they look like when chasing a ball, or running at the beach, or if we give them a bad groom. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are at the beach with them, or you are throwing that ball.
They give us freedom to be ourselves, so we shouldn’t care either. If we were more like our pets we wouldn’t be self-conscious about our weight, our hair or wearing our worst trackie dacks.

Now don’t get me wrong, they are not perfect, but neither are we. What we share is a mutual respect and a love that will always be there no matter what. I know my pets give me a reason and purpose to get up and muddle through everyday life. I know I don’t need an alarm clock as I am woken up every morning at 5am. No sleep-ins here!

They put a smile on my face and make me laugh every single day. You might say they complete me. As long as they are with me, that is what is important to them, and they will walk by my side no matter where I go, which is more than a lot of people would do.
Over the years we have walked, gone for bike rides, swam at the beach and just plain cuddled on the couch watching a good movie. They have also been a huge comfort to me in times of loss. They just know. I have looked at life through their eyes and have gained a new appreciation for the everyday. I honestly don’t know what I would do without my pets. They are my pride and joy.

I also have never forgotten the special bond and happiness I shared with my pets that are no longer with me. Each and every one of them has a special place in my heart and has helped me in ways only I can remember. When I started writing this I didn’t know how to go about it, but when I looked around, I realised how easy it would be to write honestly about something that is such a huge part of my life.
I do hope you have enjoyed reading this, because I have loved putting into words what my pets mean to me. Appreciate and love your pet every day and in return they will give you something you could never find anywhere else.