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Where your pets feel at home

Where your pets feel at home

Dr Rob’s Ramblings: Happiness is ……..


Boxers must be the happiest dogs around. It is hard to look at a Boxer and not smile or laugh! I was reminded of this, this week, when we had a wonderful Boxer called “Oli” in for treatment. Oli is undergoing treatment for a reasonably invasive cancer and had to have several X – rays and tests performed on him. Throughout the whole process he was wagging from the tip of his tail to the end of his nose in a whole body wag that Boxers are so good at doing! His happiness and exuberance was infectious!

Currently, there is a trend doing the rounds on Facebook which you may have seen, focusing on gratitude, whereby people post three things every day that they are grateful for. Often it is the simple things in life that we take for granted most. I wondered what Oli’s list would be!

Day 1:
I am grateful that:

  • I woke up in such a good mood!
  • The sun is shining!
  • I had such a delicious breakfast!

Day 2:

  • I woke up in such a good mood!
  • The cat allowed me to chase it!
  • Pats from my master!

Day 3:

  • I woke up in such a good mood!
  • The postie drove past!
  • The postie drove past again!

You get the idea! I hope your week is as good as Oli’s!