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Where your pets feel at home

Where your pets feel at home

Where is that sock?

sock stuck in dog's stomachBentley is a classical Labrador teenager – friendly, boisterous, full of beans and always eager to help. During the past month he has been extra helpful, licking up any stray food that may happen to fall on the floor, hoovering up all those pesky macadamia nuts that fall off the tree in the back yard and helping with the washing.

A few weeks ago, Bentley wasn’t feeling too good and started vomiting, so his Mum brought him to see us. Nobody had told Bentley that Macadamia nuts are toxic to dogs, so when he passed a few macadamia shells in his poo we thought we had the answer to his malaise. However, X rays and an ultrasound of his abdomen showed that there was something else stuck in his intestine as well.

Can you see what it was?? sock stuck in dog's stomach

A sock stuck in dog’s stomach. After several hours of surgery we retrieved a delicious sock that had managed to get snared in his stomach and duodenum and stretch to about a metre in length, causing havoc with his insides! Bentley is now back to his exuberant self but has been relieved from participating in the household chores!