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Where your pets feel at home

Where your pets feel at home

Welcome Dr Lauren!

Many of you will already have had the pleasure of meeting Dr Lauren Fraser, who joined us at the beginning of September. Our overriding aim at McDowall vets is to make veterinary care friendly, approachable and convenient. With this in mind, we realised as we continued to grow, that we needed another vet to help increase the consult times available to you, so after an extensive interview process, we hand-picked Lauren.
We are really excited to have her join our team; she is an exceptional vet of the highest calibre, with lots of experience with both dogs and cats, but more importantly has the high level of empathy, compassion and gentle bedside manner that our clients have grown to expect when visiting us.
Having an extra vet allows us to offer more appointments and means that we will now have two vets consulting every evening until 7pm, which hopefully allows you to have more access to those later after work appointments which are so useful when trying to fit everything into the busy working day.
It will also allow us to perform more house calls for our clients when required. We realise that for many pets, a home visit is a lot more practical and less stressful. Please give us a ring to arrange a home visit if required.
Lauren adores cats and has a young Jack Russell puppy called “Hippo” (don’t ask!!) Feel free to say “Hi!” when you are next passing by.

 Dr Lauren Albany Creek Vet